Agriculture is the number one business around the world. Its impacts on the economic and social life are considerable high and will be even greater with the sustained growth of global population.
In 2019, agricultural sectors were the highest contributor to Nigeria economy contributing about 25% to its GDP, Agricultural sector has enjoyed steady growth in last few years.
Our agricultural insurance is designed to protects the farmer against financial loss of or damage to crops or livestock and other property on the farm. Get cover for your farm produce, crops, poultry, fish farm, livestock, machinery and equipment etc. against losses from fire, burglary/housebreaking, lightening, flood, explosion, windstorm, impacts, earthquake, volcanic eruptions and even plane crashes
Five products are currently available under our agricultural insurance policy and they are:
Area Yield Index-based Insurance
This policy provides cover against drought, windstorm, excessive rainfall, flood, hail, uncontrollable pests and diseases which directly affects expected yield in a pre-mapped area of farmland (e.g. local government areas, states and geo-ecological zones).
Multi-perils Crop Insurance Policy
This crop centered policy insures against damages to & or loss of crop as a result of fire, lightening, explosion, aircraft damage, flood, windstorm, drought, outbreak of pests and diseases. The stages of crop development covered in this policy are: the vegetative, reproductive and ripening phases and losses are assessed at the phase of loss and this informs payout.
Livestock Insurance Policy
It covers all domestic and farm animals against mortality due to diseases, fire, flood, accident, lightning and windstorm. The sum insured is the maximum market value of the animal within the insurance period and the claim is paid based on the market value or pre-agreed value at the time of death. Transit Extension and African Swine Fever Extension are possible on payment of extra premium.
Poultry Farm Insurance Policy
This Product covers all domesticated birds (broilers, layers, cockerels, turkey, parent stocks, and grand-parent stocks) against death directly caused by diseases, flood, fire, lightening, windstorm damage, heat waves and other natural accident. This policy guarantee payout to the tune of the assessed loss per time within the period of insurance cover.
Fishery and Fish Farm Insurance Policy
The policy covers mortality of the fish due to flood, diseases, fire, windstorm, accident and lightning. Mostly, the fish farms in Nigeria are off-shore, i.e. fish reared in earthen, concrete or plastic or polythene or tarpaulin ponds. The sum insured is determined by the value of fish at table size. Claims are paid based on the value at the time of loss.
The policy can be extended to pond’s collapse on payment of extra premium;